
MySQL/PHP online publications index


Installing OnCite

Installing OnCite is not recommended unless you are familiar with MySQL administration and PHP coding. The system is not used by a wide variety of institutions so installation is not designed for ultimate simplicity, although OnCite does not require any unusual PHP/MySQL configuration so it should be quite a smooth installation.


PLEASE NOTE! There is currently an ongoing problem with Sourceforge's anonymous CVS service, meaning that the version you download (as described below) will not be the up-to-date version. You may find you are unable to set the system up straightforwardly.


1. Getting the files

Check the project files out from Sourceforge CVS. If you are unfamiliar with CVS you may need to search the web for tutorials - on Windows you can use a graphical client such as TortoiseCVS. On a Unix-like system the commands are similar to the following:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/myopia login
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/myopia checkout myopia

(When you execute the first line you'll be asked for a password - just hit Enter.)

The project files will be checked out, and you will have a folder called "myopia" (the old project name for OnCite) containing four folders:

CVS - this can be ignored
db - contains a text file containing the SQL for creating the MySQL data tables
demosite - contains some webpages giving an example of how to use OnCite in a website
scripts - contains all the OnCite code

2. Creating the database tables

Create a MySQL database for OnCite's use, if you haven't already. Execute the SQL contained in the text file found in the "db" folder, to create the tables.

3. Establishing and protecting the scripts

Upload/move the "scripts" folder to somewhere suitable on your webserver. This can be in a publicly-accessible folder, and in fact this is a good idea if you wish to make it easy for people to integrate publications data into various other websites or parts of your website.

The scripts which need to be password-protected are contained in "scripts/manage". Our own .htaccess file is included in the download but is certain to be unsuitable for your webserver - you will need to edit/create the .htaccess for your server. Make sure that no-one can access that area without a password (i.e. do not allow designated IP addresses into that area without a password).

Make sure that the scripts folder and all of its contents are readable by the webserver process. Your Apache webserver may be running as "www" or as "anonymous", for example.

4. Configuration

Inside the "scripts/manage" folder is a file called config-dist.inc.php. Create a copy of this called config.inc.php and then edit it to fill in your desired configuration settings, including the details of the MySQL database.

5. Webpages setup

Upload/move the "demosite" folder to your webserver. The exact location w.r.t. the scripts folder is not important, although if they do not share the same parent folder you will need to edit demosite/index.php to change the paths specified in the two "require_once()" commands at the start of that file.

Make sure that your server includes "index.php" in its list of possible directory indexes, for both the webpages and for the scripts. For example, you could use the following line in a .htaccess file:

DirectoryIndex index.php

Now visit your demo site using a web browser. You should see a search form offering a choice of years, departments, etc.



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